
Windows 8 Beta Expected in February

Microsoft officials said that the company plans to release the beta of Windows 8 in late February. The announcement came as part of a talk on Microsoft's upcoming Windows Store, which will be the online selling presence for Windows 8 "Metro-style" applications, built on HTML 5, JavaScript, XAML and C languages. Antoine Leblond, vice president of Windows Web Services, disclosed the approximate release period for the Windows 8 beta.

"We're going to open the Store to customers when we release the beta of Windows 8, and that's going to be in late February 2012," Leblond said, according to a Microsoft-produced and -edited video. 

His comment comes at the end of the following video at approximately the 3:16 mark.


About the Author

Kurt Mackie is senior news producer for 1105 Media's Converge360 group.

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