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Your Salary: 13 Cents Per Minute

I'm in the midst of compiling the results of this year's Redmond Salary Survey (published in a few months; later this year, I'll be reviving a survey targeted specifically at MCPmag.com newsletter subscribers). As I was searching for interesting data out on the Web, I came across this infographic via Alltop, which shows an obvious but still alarming disparity between the salary for one minute of IT workers in the U.S. and India: 13 cents/min vs. 2.5 cents/min. The data isn't sourced, so take from it what you will.

According to that chart, U.S. IT workers also make the average salary/minute for the average person worldwide. I guess you could say that IT workers are your modern-day everyman.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 06/03/2010 at 11:59 AM

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