Product Reviews
How Secure is Your Network? Atelierweb 4.04
Seven network scanners test your security before the crackers do.
- By Greg Saoutine
- 09/01/2001
Atelierweb 4.04 is an accurate port scanner. It contains
a built-in database of ports, mapping "interesting"
ports to the services and known malicious programs (Trojan
horses). The scanner determines what service is listening
on a specific port based on the entries in the database.
You can update and edit the database entries. However,
with the default time-out settings, it takes more than
an hour to scan all 65,535 ports. Also, some of the
information-gathering and basic vulnerability-checking
capabilities aren't available in the evaluation version
we tested.
Atelierweb lets you view the details
of its scanning right down to the individual TCP/IP
packets it uses. (Click image to view larger version.) |
Atelierweb is the only scanner we tested that doesn't
have a reporting capability: There's simply no option
to produce a report or save your results in any other
way. This severely limits its usefulness.
About the Author
Greg Saoutine, MCSE, is an IT Consultant working in New York City.