Weekly quickTIP

Vista EXE Deep Dive, Part 2

Now, a list of "m" through "z" of the Vista command-line tools.

Vista EXE Deep Dive

A list of all the executable files that come with Vista, some familiar and some brand-new.

GUIs for a GUIless OS

Not ready for Server Core's command-line-only interface? An alternative.

Viva IPv6

It's alive, but not quite ready. And it might be slowing down network response. You have some options for disabling IPv6 for now.

Deconstructing PING

Like the sound of one hand clapping, ping's mystery comes to those who contemplate such things (or find this doc on the Internet).

Raw Exchange

Virtualize your Exchange server? It's almost a no-brainer.

Reports Aplenty

WSUS' reports sometimes aren't enough -- tap SQL Server Management Studio Express Edition to get what you need.

VM-in-a-VM Is Broken, for Now ...

"Greyhound" comes to a screeching halt in the virtual world.

Hooray for Transactional Integrity!

Image-level backup consolidates that server's state into one nice and tidy bundle.

A Park Bench, An Office, or A House

How much security you need in Vista and Windows Server 2008 depends on where you're connecting. Choose carefully.

Breaking Three Vista Myths

You know where I stand on Vista, so let's look at three horrible misconceptions about the OS.

Standing Tall on My Vista Soapbox

You haven't upgraded to Vista yet and you call yourself a savvy IT administrator?

Another Brick in the Wall Command

In Vista, the "msg" command is the new "net send."

PowerPresenter with PowerPoint

PowerPoint slideshows can be a snoozer -- it's time to return them to awe-inspiring.

Custom Calendar

Nothing fancy this week: Outlook offers some nifty ways to keep track of your schedule with a calendar printing assistant.

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