
Microsoft Corp. announces SP2 for SNA Server 4.0

With the release of Service Pack 2 (SP2), SNA Server enhances its ability to provide organizations with the tools they need to preserve their investment in existing legacy systems while moving to newer computing models including client/server & web-to-host computing.

Among the features that make this possible:

  • OLE DB Provider for AS/400 & VSAM
  • OLE DB provider for DB2 for multi-platform DB2 access.
  • COM Transaction Integrator (COM TI) for CICS & IMS enhancements
  • COM TI with 2 Phase Commit for IMS Version 6
  • TCP/IP support for COM TI
  • MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge
  • Enhanced MMC Snap-Ins

These technologies benefit customers by integrating multiple platforms with Microsoft technology for flexible, low cost, high performance integrated solutions. -- Thomas Sullivan, Staff Reporter/Reviews Editor

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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