
TONIGHT! September 1: Networking Chat with Kevin Kohut

Join Kevin Kohut on Wednesday, September 1, at 4 p.m. Pacific time, for a discussion on bringing your network into the next millenium, and win prizes!

Optimizing and maintaining a smoothly running network is the bane of all network admins -- and job security for those who are good at it. Kevin Kohut is our special guest on Wednesday, September 1, when he delves into little-known performance tuning tips that you might be able to use on your own network, and considerations that will go into wiring the network of the future.

Before joining this chat, be sure to read Kevin's cover feature in the latest issue, in which he discusses his efforts to optimize a network through a vLAN, at

Note the new chat time: This chat will take place at 4 p.m. Pacific time (to figure the time difference in your location, go to And remember, chat participants have a chance to win MCP Magazine Resource Central subscriptions and networking books.

For more details on joining this chat, go to

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