
Clustered Grids Make Their Way Into the Enterprise

IT organizations are beginning to exploit the latent computing capabilities of standard PCs throughout the enterprise for high-end computing.

Special Report: High-Availability Clustering Market Shrinks

The once vibrant high-availability software market for the Windows NT platform is now down to Microsoft and a handful of other companies.

Microsoft Puts Reference Customer Forward for SQL Cluster

Microsoft has gone public with a production customer using its Distributed Partition Views technology in SQL Server 2000.

Compaq, Intel Work Together on Low-Power, Dense Servers

Compaq commits to using Intel’s Tualatin low-power chip in its QuickBlade servers. The announcement serves as a shot across Transmeta’s bow.

NSI Reports It’s Close to W2K Datacenter Certification

Another tools vendor is taking the big step to Windows 2000 Datacenter Server certification through Microsoft’s testing partner Veritest.

Patch Issued for W2K Domain Controller Memory Leak

A vulnerability in Windows 2000 can allow internal and external attackers to take down domain controllers, Microsoft confirmed.

Windows XP Launch Set for Oct. 25

After speculation about Windows XP launch delays damaged Microsoft's stock, the company put its launch date in writing. Microsoft's next desktop OS will be available Oct. 25.

IBM Refreshes DB2

Version 7.2 of IBM’s flagship database is set to ship June 8.

First .NET Enterprise Server Suite Complete with Mobile Server

Mobile Information Server 2001 released to manufacturing Tuesday and is scheduled for general availability in June.

Marathon Ships High Availability Solution for W2K

Marathon Technologies this week delivered on a promise to begin shipping a Windows 2000 version of its high availability solutions in May.

Office Subscriptions Off for Now

Microsoft Corp. won't be implementing its much ballyhooed Office subscriptions with the upcoming release of Office XP.

Microsoft Shows Off MOM at N+I

LAS VEGAS – Microsoft Corp. put some flesh on MOM’s bones at Networld + Interop this week, demonstrating some of the technology’s capabilities, announcing the product’s release schedule and revealing pricing.

Sadmind/IIS Worm Hitting Unpatched Systems

Attackers are exploiting old vulnerabilities in Solaris and IIS Web servers with a new malicious worm called the sadmind/IIS Worm to attack more Solaris and IIS Web servers and deface Web pages, according to an advisory issued Tuesday by CERT.

Microsoft RTMs 2nd Server Appliance Kit

The Server Appliance Kit (SAK) Microsoft Corp. released to manufacturing this week for OEMs to use to build Web server and Network Attached Storage appliances will be the last under Microsoft's current roadmap.

Host Integration Server Gets a Boost From NetManage

Microsoft turned to a host access vendor to extend the capabilities of its Host Integration Server 2000.

MOM Gets into .NET Management

Microsoft adds Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 to its .NET vision.

Dell Recalls Laptop Batteries

There are worse things than a Blue Screen of Death. A Dell Computer Corp. customer's laptop battery started smoking and may have caught fire, causing some property damage but no injuries.

Antivirus Vendor Releases Top Viruses of April List

The Magistr worm worked its way up to the top of antivirus vendor Sophos' April edition of its monthly list of the most frequently occurring viruses.

Microsoft Jumps on Newly Published XML Schema

Microsoft jumps on the W3C Recommendation of an XML Schema with three new developer toolkits and previews.

Microsoft Sharpens Anti-Open Source Knives

As if anybody didn't know Microsoft Corp. opposed open source, the company initiated a new campaign against the software development model Thursday.

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